Matrescence Workshops

Holistic Care Education to Support the Health of New Mothers

About Maternity Circle Workshops

When women come together in circle to support, honor, and listen to one another, we rise up not only as women, but as families and as a society. I adamantly believe in the need for more support and education for new mothers. We are not meant to navigate motherhood in isolation. We are meant to be in community with the support of our village. Maternity Circle Workshops are intended to be a combined space where mother wisdom is called upon and where new mothers can lean on and learn from one another.

What a Maternity Circle Workshop looks like:

  • Opening the Circle: we will start with a moment to connect in with a meditation, visualization, short sharing or song

  • Educational Session (see topics below): we will discuss mother-centered topics to help you navigate the transition you are experiencing, understand the needs of your postpartum body, learn about practices you can use at home to support your care, and help you discover how the prioritization of your health can help your baby and your family thrive.

  • Questions and Conversation: we will have time together to mingle, ask questions, and discuss what is coming up

  • Closing the Circle: we will close our circle with a moment of gratitude

Maternity Circle Workshop Topics:

  • Mother-Baby Dyad (learn about the connection between mother and baby on a physiological level and the importance of co-regulation during the first 9 months of baby’s life)

  • Why we rest as new mothers (learn about the traditional wisdom around rest and the benefits to our pelvic health and recovery as new mothers)

  • Essential warmth for the postpartum body (discover the benefits of warmth and warming therapies in helping the body heal faster and in supporting the mother-baby connection)

  • Food and nutrition to support the postpartum body (get recipes and nutritional information that will support a depleted postpartum body and help you heal both mentally and physically)

  • Benefits of bodywork for mothers and babies (learn the different types of bodywork that are great for supporting the post pregnancy and post birth body to help it recover fully)

  • The curative powers of community (learn why community is necessary for new families and how you can help build your own village)

  • Planning for the 4th Trimester - the first 3 months after birth (create your own postpartum plan to help you prepare for the sacred period of integrating as a new family, learn about some of the practices that can help you successfully breastfeed and communicate with your baby, integrate your own birth through the optional sharing of your birth story)

FAQs about Maternity Circle Workshops:

  • You are welcome to bring your babies with you to the circle

  • Come as you are - this is a time to just be with other moms and learn some information to help you with your motherhood transition - so no worries if you are running late, not having the best day, or need to leave early. Just come as you are and you will be welcomed with open arms into the circle to get whatever it is you are in need of in that moment.

  • Workshop topics will rotate through every 7 weeks meaning there will be a new topic each week for 7 weeks and then the topics will repeat. Please contact Danielle with questions about what topic is scheduled for the week.

Sign up for Circle